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Feature films

Nigeria - 2012
feature film - DV - Color - 75mn - Comedy
Director: Jaloud Zainou Tangui / Screenplay: Adamou Tiemogo Sangaré / Production: Nomade Production / 
Music: Mahamadou Bâ / Distribution: Patou Films International
Cast: Samira Sayni Djingo, Habibou Habou Harouna, Balkissa Abdouramane, Wael Hassane Youssef
LALA is the governor's only daughter. She is twenty years old and makes her father very happy. He fights every day to protect her from the bad experiences of life. Everything is going well, until the day when LALA is approached by an unscrupulous young couple. Knowing that LALA is the governor's daughter, the couple foments a coup and succeeds in having her seduced by the man.


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Affiche au portail de la raison.jpg
Cameroon - 2018
Feature film - HD - Color - 93 mn
Director: ​ Francis Tene.K / Original idea: Linda Menfo / Screenplay: John Meyal, Axel Abessolo​  /  Assembly:  Photine Carpentier
Production: Linda Menfo Production, CinéGlobe Intertainment, Patou Films International, Cameroon Studio   
Distribution: Patou Films International
Francoise Akane, Axel Abessolo

Maïka, jeune scénariste employée dans une maison de production, tombe amoureuse de Mensah.  Tombeur des filles, Mensah, frère de Yen vient de rentrer à Lomé après avoir fini ses études en France. Yen fréquente Nora, la meilleure amie de Maïka avec qui elles partagent tous leurs secrets. 

Mais tout change quand Yen apprend que Maïka sort avec son frère.



Nigeria - 2012
feature film - DV - Color - 75mn - Comedy
Director: Jaloud Zainou Tangui / Screenplay: Adamou Tiemogo Sangaré / Production: Nomade Production / 
Music: Mahamadou Bâ / Distribution: Patou Films International
Cast: Samira Sayni Djingo, Habibou Habou Harouna, Balkissa Abdouramane, Wael Hassane Youssef
LALA is the governor's only daughter. She is twenty years old and makes her father very happy. He fights every day to protect her from the bad experiences of life. Everything is going well, until the day when LALA is approached by an unscrupulous young couple. Knowing that LALA is the governor's daughter, the couple foments a coup and succeeds in having her seduced by the man.


la fille du gouverneur
Cameroon - 2018
Feature film - HD - Color - 93 mn
Director: ​ Francis Tene.K / Original idea: Linda Menfo / Screenplay: John Meyal, Axel Abessolo​  /  Assembly:  Photine Carpentier
Production: Linda Menfo Production, CinéGlobe Intertainment, Patou Films International, Cameroon Studio   
Distribution: Patou Films International
Francoise Akane, Axel Abessolo

Roxanne lives alone in Yaoundé with her little sister who suffers from asthma. The care being very expensive, she must keep her sister in good health.

Without work, she prostitutes herself under the name of ORLY to meet their needs. Her past as a cabaret singer catches up with her for one evening. There she meets James, a former client. A new horizon opens up to her until the day James finds himself in a coma following a serious accident ordered by one of his disgruntled collaborators...



ZOO "The Walk to the Dream"
Cameroon - 2017
feature film - HD - Color - 75mn - Musical Comedy
Direction: Scandy Decimal / Production: MB Studio, SCA N Patriotic Director of Photography: O'Neill Melrose Music: Daniel "DJINN" Mambo Distribution: Patou Films International
Cast: Maxime Onambele, Herve Mabom, Melissa Kodje, Jule Esso, Brice Yonkeu
Zoo, young rapper hears about  of "Clash Compet" a rap competition. He decides to go  and participate in it. But he is no match for Le Camé. Laughed at by rappers, he asks his friend Eddy for help to find him a good Beat Maker and be able to take his revenge.  


burkina  Faso - 2016
feature film - HD - Color - 70mn - Comedy
Implementation:  Irène Tassembedo / Production: Mile Couleurs Productions  Photo Director: Abdul Azizi Dialo Sound Engineer: Seydou Porgo  Distribution: Patou Films International
  Leila Tal,  Claire Traore,  Halimata Nikiema, Fatou Traore, Valerie Kambire...
Filming everyday women, who regularly meet at one of their homes, friends, sisters, neighbours, to tell stories, laugh, criticize... All subjects are covered, without taboos. We are between women who know each other and pour out. The stories of couple, family, education of children, but also of sexuality, everything goes! We talk about everything and nothing, but at each session, invariably, there is a moment when one of the participants throws the problem she has on the table on the table and the chronicle of marriages, baptisms, births and miscellaneous facts then place to a debate full of emotion. Only women are filmed.


Burkina Faso - 2015
Feature film - HD - Color - 85 mn
Director: ​ Tahirou Tassere  Ouedraogo / Scenario:  Xavier Pons, Tahirou Tassere Ouedraogo  ​  /  Assembly:  Photine Carpentier
Production: Bila Production, Patou Films International, Video Label, Orange Studio /  With the financial contribution of the European Union and the assistance of the ACP States /  Distribution: Patou Films International
  Youssouf  DJAORO,  Franck Alain BAGRE,  Azata SORO

Thom is a painting of society presenting itself in different facets  : love, infidelity, money, prostitution, drugs, alcoholism. This film tells the rivalry of a father and a son for the same daughter. Thom (Franck Alain Bagré) falls madly in love with Jones (Azata Soro), a prostitute, nightclub dancer and mistress of his father (Chadian actor Youssouf Djaoro).



Twilight Dance
Cameroon - 2015
feature film - HD - Color - 90mn - Musical Comedy
Implementation:  Mattia Serna, Julien Willy Mahir & Joseph Pascal Mbarga / Production: 1113 Productions, Patou Films International
Distribution: Patou Films International
  Julian  Bahel,  Prudence Bellange  Madji,  Elena Matilda  Serna
Sarah, Kim and Mattia attend a Performing Arts High School in Cameroon near a high school that is said to be haunted by the spirits of students who died in a mysterious fire that ravaged it 40 years ago... …


Villa Matata
DRC - 2014
Feature Film - HD - Color - 97  min
Director: ​ Ronnie Kabuika / Scenario:  Arsene Kamango, Ronnie Kabuika​  /  Director of Photography:  Ronnie Kabuika  
Production: Cyberpictures /  Distribution: Patou Films International
Cast: Arsene Kamango, Fabrice Kalonji, Romain Ndomba, Jeannine Tshibola,

Villa Matata is a comedy that immerses us in the heart of the misadventures of three cousins, Ali, Mohamed and Toto  : bon vivants constantly broke and not very clever, always looking for easy money to satisfy their taste for alcohol and women. Frustrated by the greed of their uncle and aunt, with whom they live, the three come up with a delusional plan  : staging the death of one of them, in order to finally be able to extort money from the family - all with the complicity of the evil pastor Tshunga.  



sweet dance
Cameroon - 2014
feature film - HD - Color - 71mn
Implementation:  Chantal Youdom / Production: GIC Art  and culture  
Distribution: Patou Films International
  Pélagie Nguiateu, Alain Bomo Bomo

When the elements of nature mingle with Tatiana's private life, she no longer controls anything. Shared between two loves, she will let herself be lulled by melodies to the rhythms of more or less exhilarating dances. The uncertain future will get the better of the events of his life?

Starting from hard blows to hard blows, Jacques has withdrawn into himself as if to flee the powers of mother nature until the day he meets Tatiana. Will he once again be pierced by Cupid's arrow?


The Maid
Ivory Coast - 2014
Feature Film - HD - Color - 97  min
Director: ​ Mr Light / Scenario:  Louise HEAD​  /  Director of Photography:  Copero / Sound: Rahim Sawadogo /  
Distribution: Patou Films International
Cast: Kouassi Salia, Koffi Aya Isabelle, Beugré Laeticia Ange Carole, Radji Ismaèl, Atako Bitini Joan of Arc
Arrived from the village at the request of Madame Piéli to be her maid, Solange, encouraged by the neighborhood servants' union, accepts the advances of Monsieur Piéli. This relationship leads to a pregnancy. Madame Piéli could not bear this, decided to leave her home and moved to Spain where she would come back with Monsieur Gonzalvès. 20 years later, widowed, she returned to the country with her son Carlos, who fate, becomes the fiancé of Olivia, Solange's daughter. Laurence categorically refuses this union and sends someone to kill Olivia.


Daddy's Girl
Chad - 2014
feature film - HD - Color - 90mn
Implementation:  Prosper Nadjilem Doumgar / Script & dialogues: Prosper Nadjilem Doumgar /  
Distribution: Patou Films International
Cast: Michel Gohou, Michel Bohiri
Une fille à papa tells the story of David (Bohiri). A father in his sixties lets himself be influenced by the advice of his best friend Gohou who encourages him to leave his wife to live with Kiki, a young girl much younger than him. 95% of the actors are Chadians with Michel Gohou and Michel Bohiri from the Ivory Coast.


Faso Furie

Burkina Faso - 2012
Feature film - HD - Color - 100 mn
Director: ​ Michael Kamunga / Scenario:  Michael Kamunga
Production: Africa Distribution/ Distribution: Patou Films International
Cast: Rodrigue Kabore, Cecile Tiaho, Michel Gohou, Eugene Bayala
In a village in Burkina Faso, an old peasant discovers diamonds that will prove harmful to anyone who approaches them too closely.
The Ministry of Defense decides to find the diamonds before they fall into the hands of Faso Furie, a criminal organization made up of former members of the army.
Two men who are opposites are in charge of this mission, the intrepid Lieutenant Traoré, and a prisoner, a former member of Faso Furie, number 07...


Le Mec Idéal

Ivory Coast - 2011
feature film - HD - Color - 110 mn
Director: Owell Brown / Script & dialogues: Owell Brown / Photo: Celestin Kalet / Sound: Gaston Mobio N'gboba / Editing:Sandrine Trésor, Sophie Pouleau, Claire Vandewalle, Julie Ogier-Denis / Production: Patou Films International
Cast: Emma Lohoues, Mike Danon, Serge Abossolo
Estelle is a beautiful, very enterprising young woman who chose against her parents' advice to opt for her own business: "a hairdressing salon", in which she is fully involved. Unfortunately, Estelle does not know the success in love that her beauty, her intelligence and above all her purity would have deserved. In her neighborhood, however, a young dry-cleaner's manager named Marcus is madly in love with her and seems to suffer in silence as he struggles to obtain even Estelle's friendship.
For their part, anxious to help their girlfriend find "the ideal guy", Nina and Rebecca organize a casting and the winner happens to be William (Bill for friends), a brilliant and wealthy business lawyer, but above all a friend of Marcus who considers him his mentor.
But behind his appearance as an exquisitely-mannered gentleman, hides a true collector of women. Initially, the man takes his relationship with Estelle as a simple game before finally falling in love with her.
When Marcus and Bill find out that they are both unknowingly in love with the same woman, it's too late to turn back. From now on everyone will have to fight with their own weapons to have Estelle's heart.



India - 2007
Feature film - 35 mm - Color - 80 mn
Director: Murali Nair / Script & dialogues: Murali Nair / Photo: Jean-Marc Selva / Sound: Erwan Autesserre / Editing: Lalitha Krishna / Producer: Jean Roké Patoudem ​ / Cast: Jishnu Vasu
Unni is a little boy who lives in a village in Kerala. He belongs to the upper caste of the Nairs. His friends Raju, Ramu and Gopi, with whom he goes to school, belong to the lowest caste, known as "untouchables".
The film deals with the relationships between these children and the discoveries they make together about the world around them.
The tearing
Cameroon - 2005
Feature film - DVCAM - Color - 80 mn
Directed by: Alphonse Beni /  Production: K.A.B Films /
Cast: Alphonse Béni, Martin Poulibé, P. Loti Kamgang, Fanie Njoya, Daniel Ndo
Atangana Wanba Kotto Muller lives in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. He is the father of 7 children: 5 girls and two boys. Following serious professional misconduct, he was fired. He goes looking for work all over the city but despite his research he will find nothing. On the other hand, he will be confronted with many family difficulties: supporting 9 people with 50,000 CFA francs, a womanizing son who will end up in prison after giving birth to a minor, a girl who invents a potion that makes you invisible, a woman who is courted by the gentlemen... Fortunately the whole family is very religious and faith will accompany them, in a funny way, during this ordeal.


Cameroon - 2006
Feature film - DVCAM - Color - 85 mn
Director: Cyrille Masso / Script & dialogues: Cyril Masso Photo: Franck Rabel / Sound: François Guillaume / Editing: Simon Samyong  Production: Malo Pictures / Casting: Massan A. Biroko, Deneuve Djobong, Essomba Eloundou, Clémentine Essono, Tatiana Matip, Patrice (alias Koppo) Minko'O, Daniel Ndo, Thierry Ntamack, Martin Poulibé, Meiji U Tum'si
In one evening, everything in my life had changed in a very short time. My mentor, my brother, my source of ascension, had let me down. His disappearance had led to a conflict of interests in the business community. This is how I decided to tell my story. This one starts when I was in high school, towards the end of my secondary studies. My father became unemployed. My mother, a simple housewife, was just trying to maintain the family balance threatened by innumerable problems. And my sister, my poor little sister, victim of an incurable disease suffered, without anyone being able to provide her with the slightest care. Faced with this situation, I had decided to make myself useful and then believed that I was capable of raising the family. But, the road on which I was about to engage, although smooth on the surface, led me straight to the drift.
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